Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Home Sweet Home Again

Conner; you are so so so cute! 
Last night, my last night in Southern CA, I Babysat Conner and Madi for Rob and Carla. Living in AZ, I don't get this opportunity often and I could almost "pretend" I lived close and this was no big deal.. I also found myself over there with NO camera... I ended up using my cell phone. It was a magical night. Conner, usually not one to want a lot of time with Gran, was my little buddy. I took Makayla with me and Madi and Makayla and Conner all spent some time in the pool. Rob and Carla's backyard seems especially designed for Children. A beautiful pool occupies the right side of the yard, with "Conner's own little pool" (the spa). A magical Weeping Willow, that offers comforting shade  in summer's heat, covers the left side of the yard. A thick carpet of grass covers this side as well.  Children's toys dot the yard beyond a large patio, perfect for large family gatherings.
Sitting with my feet in the water, listening to Conner's laughter and Madi and Makayla playing was, a step into Madi's magical land where, she might be taken away by Sharks or Pirates. "Let's pretend" starts most of Madi's sentences when playing. It was GREAT.
I brought Lyndsey, Makayla , Izabella & Sophie home with me today and I'm looking forward to a week with four little girls running or laying around. Shrieks of laughter, dotted with cries of outrage reach me back here in my office. As long as my door will close occasionally this  week, I'll be fine.
Thanks for taking the time to read my blog today.


Carla Marasco said...

Great photos with a phone camera. It was fun having you out...As always! The kids were so excited that their Gran babysat. The joy in their eyes was so apparent. It was kind of funny how happy they were for us to leave. I hope it wasn't to exausting. Yhanks again Gran!

Anonymous said...

Hi Betty,

What an interesting post. It looks like you are having a good time with and probably all in the water. Things look nice, calm and peaceful but might be anything but that in person. LOL

If you visited one of my blogs then that it what brought me here to return it and comment too.

Abraham Lincoln
—Brookville Daily Photo
—Better Blog Writing
—My Birds Blog

Jim Klenke said...

Four of them? Have fun......

Julee Marie Photography said...

Glad you had a great time in California w/the kids and grandkids! I'm sure they had as much fun as you did, they will always remember their "gran" and all the wonderful things you do with them. Glad you made it home safe and sound (and in one peice) back to AZ!

sandy said...

Love all the pics Betty. That pool area looks great and of couse, so do the kids. Your camera phone took great pics.

Oh my you are a brave woman....four little girls, ooohhhh wow. What a gramma you are.

Enjoyed your post today.

mig bardsley said...

I have pool envy :)
It looks so beautiful - mind it's raining here so it wouldn't be much use to us :)