Thursday, July 3, 2008

Pool Fun

With MUCH encouragement from her sister and cousin, Izzy is jumping into the pool. I worried she'd jump ON to her little coaches, until I downloaded the photos.  She came pretty close to smacking herself on the side of the pool!.  
Izzy loves all things Disney, including the little mermaid... ESPECIALLY the Little Mermaid. I was amazed at how she was swimming head down and how fast she was doing it at only 2 1/2. Lyndsey smiled and told me she practices in the bathtub. I'm pretty sure she was talking about Izzy keeping her head down.

Paul has big plans today for either the Grand Canyon or a water park in Sedonna. I'm pretty sure with a big BBQ planned for tomorrow, and no shopping done, we may be doing that on Saturday.
Have a good day everyone, and thanks for taking the time to read my blog today.


Carla Marasco said...

Wow, Great job Izzy!

sandy said...

You get the best shots! Love the pool shots and the one with Gramps and the kids.

Mima said...

She has done amazingly well, and some great photos there. I hope that all the plans went well and that you have a great Independence Day weekend.

mig bardsley said...

Such happy photos :)