Monday, July 21, 2008

Monday Monday

Madi's 9th Birthday Party was an awesome occasion. The day was beautiful and I NEEDED a jacket when evening came. 65 degrees Saturday evening after a 90 degree day. Wonderful. We had a great time and had a chance to visit Carla's Family as well. Madi was beautiful and I think I saw her in 4 different outfits (including a Pirate Costume) during the course of the day.  Yesterday we met at CPK for lunch and had a great couple of hours at the mall. I've spent about 4 hours this morning trying to edit the multitude of photos I took. I'm afraid I didn't do very well with exposure issues this weekend. 
Hope you all had a great weekend. 
Thanks for taking the time to read my blog today.


Carla Marasco said...

Very cute pics! And yes, she did have on at least 3 outfits (two separate baithing suits)!

Jim Klenke said...

Sometimes the exposure just doesnt matter. Great pics.

sandy said...

Betty, these are fantastic and that top pic is wonderful!!

Glad you had a good time and I was so surprised at how cool are evenings are right now, and our mornings.