Monday, July 28, 2008

I figured it out!

I've finally done it!!! I think. I make slide shows. I LOVE to do these. I've done them for years. I use to buy and upgrade programs to improve them. When I bought my mac, it came with a program that does that for me.  Each year, I make a "Year in review for my kids and I've started doing a sample to go out to other family and friends for the entire year. I've never been able to get one on a web page or my blog though.. with an exception or two.
 This "movie" is made up of photos from our day in Sedona a few weeks ago and my favorite (today) song. 
The slide show takes about 3 minutes.
Thanks for taking the time to read my blog today.


Julee Marie Photography said...

Betty, I love, love, love the slideshow.. its great.


sandy said...

I enjoyed every special second of this!! Your soundtrack was wonderful and it pulled the viewer into the emotion of 'family'....Betty you are a treasure to the your family I'm sure of it!!

thanks for sharing this and you captured beautiful moments.
