Wednesday, July 9, 2008


I'm home now. It's good to be home but I had a sad drive home. I miss Lyndsey and the girls. Rob and Carla had plans last night so I didn't get a chance to visit with them. Madi's birthday party is in just two weeks so Paul and I will be going back.
I've been on Disability for Multiple Sclerosis and Heart Disease for nearly a year but Social Security after 7 long months turned me down. It's a requirement of my disability coverage to get on Social Security so I need to continue to appeal the turn downs.
Tomorrow I have an appointment with one of their (Social Security) doctors in Downtown Phoenix at 3:30.. GREEEAAATTT. Rush hour. I have been told the doctor is a Psychologist. Why, I wonder, would that be. I've been on edge about this for two weeks and by now, I'm positively obsessing.  I get a tad bit bitter when I consider the people I've known in my life who've never worked and go off welfare and onto Social Security so easily... And with three documented (two potentially fatal) disabling illnesses; and 38 years in the work force, I keep getting turned down. Go figure.
So please, if you should read this post; keep good thoughts for me. Life seems suddenly quite burdensome with bills and Mortgage companies and worries in the background.. This is keeping me in whine mode. I have been envisioning tomorrow evening and all being well.


Julee Marie Photography said...

Betty I will wish you well. I think its ridiculous that they would deny you. It is sad they give it to those who dont truly need it. I guarentee if you were in Wisconsin you'd be on it.. lol.
Keep good thoughts and try not to stess yourself out. Love you... julee

sandy said...

I will definitely keep you surrounded with positive thoughts about this.!!

OvaGirl said...

Hang in there Betty. I know the systems are very different between your country and mine but one thing is common and that's the petty bureaucrats who run them. Stay calm, keep going, one step in front of the other. I'm sure the system relies heavily on the "give up" factor - hence scheduling ridiculous appointments and demanding ludicrous amounts of paperwork...

Betty F said...

Thanks everyone for your positive words. You're right Ova, They rely heavily on give up.. I battled an old ins co for a year for approval on the drugs for MS. One step at a time...

Carla Marasco said...

Do you want me to break someones legs??? What's the Phycologists name?

Just Kidding. I hope everything goes well!

I'm sorry I missed you Tuesday, Rob didn't tell me you were here and going home so soon! I was just at doggie boot camp! I would have loved to have seen you. O' well, I guess I'll have to wait until Madi's party. See you soon!

Anonymous said...

Hey Betty - if you get out of there early enough, do you want to go to the casino?

:) - yust yoking.

Call me when you get done.

Kathie Moore

mig bardsley said...

What a shame they have to keep blocking you. It' doesn't seem right.
I hope you win your appeal soon.