Friday, June 27, 2008

I'm Practicing Avoidance

I'm headed off to California today.. Aly, my beautiful niece is getting married next month and Sunday there's a wedding shower going on. I CANT MISS THAT. Well actually I'm sitting in front of my computer, AVOIDING getting dishes done, me dressed and packed and out the door. I really have to keep the treasure at the end of today's desert journey in mind and GET OFF THIS CHAIR.
Here's what's waiting for me.

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog today. 


Anonymous said...

My gosh you have a beautiful family with such pretty faces. I bet your busting your buttons with pride.

Thanks to you and others, I get a big lift out of trying to outdo myself and post things that may surprise some and make others laugh a bit and most of all make lots of people aware of things that might not know much about.

When somebody actually takes the time to write a comment about my work and what I do, that to me is the biggest gift a person can give another. It is a smile on greeting, it is a welcome handshake, and it gives me and my family some hope that the dementia farm is still down the road.

You, yourself, are an inspiration to me. I come back not only to say, "thanks for visiting and leaving a comment" but thanks for taking the time to photograph things of interest and great beauty. Without that, blogging would be about as exciting as a wart on the end of my nose.

So, thanks for stopping at my blog. And rest assured, when you do, I will always try to visit your blog, in return, and leave a comment on your blog. I might not think your photography is ready for the masterpiece award, but it got my attention.


Abraham Lincoln
oldmanlincoln in Brookville, Ohio

Mima said...

What a wonderful set of pics of your family, and I hope that you have a great trip to see them - if you ever managed to get packed that is! I also hope that you managed to get the dishes done, they would be horrid if they had to wait for your return!!

Thanks for the suggestion about my grandparents and the computer, sadly they have not made it into the computer age, we did try and get them started a while ago, and it wasn't to be, and there is just too much going on right now to expect them to learn something new. Thanks for thinking of us all though.

Julee Marie Photography said...

Have a great time in California, be carefl and be safe! And forget about the damn dishes... they'll be there waiting when u get back.. or shove them in the dishwasher thats what its there for! lol.... love ya...

Carla Marasco said...

Hail Mary full of Grace the Lord be with Betty on her long journey!!! Okay, I know that's not the real version...But at least God knows we want you delivered to us safely! We'll see you soon!!!

ChrisJ said...

Beautiful family photos -- and beautiful girls. Can't call the boys beautiful, but 'handsome" maybe! Have a good and safe trip.
I like it that you thank everyone for visiting at the end of your posts. That's very nice.