Saturday, June 7, 2008

Busy Days

It's been a busy few days. Wednesday, I spent lying down most of the day. The trip down took a lot out of me I guess. Thursday, We saw Makayla's Show. It was great. I'm trying to download Makayla's speach on her site, but I think that'll wait until I get home. Sufice to say, Makayla made a VERY good Lady Bug.

Friday, we made it down to Oceanside Beach and made it for Sunset. Rob and Carla met us down there. It was a beautiful afternoon/evening.
We even found time to get to Toon Haircuts where Izabella had her first haircut!
Today, Lyndsey had two teeth pulled and with a lot of help from Aunt Carla, I'm watching the kids while she sleeps it off! For Lyndsey's sake, I will NOT post a picture of her post surgery.
Hope you all are having a good weekend.
Thanks for taking the time to read my blog today.


mig bardsley said...

Oh I'm glad you got to see the sunset.
What a beautiful ladybug girl :)

sandy said...

Enjoyed the post and pics!!

Hope you feel better and Lindsey heals quickly.

ChrisJ said...

Oceanside Beach ?!! That's five minutes away from us!At least the weather has warmed up a little for you -- but the breeze is on the cool side. Have great weekend and feel better soon.