Wednesday, June 4, 2008

History is made

Being a California Native, I never much liked the fact that June was usually cloudy for part or all of the day. Today, I'm liking it! After reaching Palm Springs on the 10, the temps started dropping and before Moreno Valley, and the 60 interchange, it was down to the low 60's. Spoiled by Weather!
Everyone is doing fine in CA. I've been down most of the day with dizziness and fatigue.. Go Figure. So my first day in CA has been quiet. Lyndsey decided most of Makayla's costume is Glue Gun, so the Sewing Machine remains in the car.
Regardless of which political party one belongs to, last night was a historic night for America. I'm glad my kids (most of them Republican) didn't see it as a big deal like I did. He AND Hillary were a bit too liberal for one of them. One of my dauthers (I won't out her here) votes for WHOMEVER her dad says to....... Sabby picked Obama because he has a "little kid like her". I liked that too. In my childhood, I saw protests in Torrance CA, (my home town) because Blacks weren't allowed to live there. I watched Martin Luther King's speech that day in 63 and thought wow. A Much Beloved Niece is bi-Racial (she supports McCain by the way) and I worried all of her young life that she would be hurt or denied rights I took for granted. I remember the 70's when the "White Partner" would look for the apartment first so the no-vacancy sign wouldn't go up immediately. I'm glad Barack is the Nominee of his party, finally giving credance to a song I heard sung a billion years ago.. "Every little boy can grow up to be president"... Yeah, we may need to change the words to that song.. like Every little Kid can grow up to be President. This election is proving both. Regardless of who we may plan to vote for in November, I feel this is a great day in America.
Thanks for taking the time to read my blog today.


Mima said...

It has been all over the news here in the UK as well, it was going to be record breaking either way, but I am ashamed to admit I have no idea of the policies of either, so I wouldn't know who to vote for if I was in the States!!

Jim Klenke said...

I like your picture, and your post is great, I wonder how history will look back on this election in 30 years.

Betty F said...

Thanks Jim. I wonder too, how history will remember all this. It's been odd to watch how history has recorded some of the events I lived through as a teenager in the 60's.

Anonymous said...

Mom remind me to ask dad who im are voting for.......