Tuesday, May 13, 2008

To Sandi

Happy Birthday to my VERY dear Friend, Sister-in-Law. Sandi, I think you must be 39 today?
 This world and so many people and animals in it are better off today because you are here. You can't save
 all the animals in Camp Verde but even the ones you couldn't help save left the world easier because you are there to ease their passage. P.K. and Ethel were saved because of your kindness to strangers and today, P.K. has a family because of you. You do these things and so much more quietly and avoiding the  spot light. You quietly go about doing all the right things and making such a difference.  I may have said all these things before, possibly even on my post but I'll tell you again. I value many things in this world, all the gifts I've been given; None more than you. I love you! Happy Birthday Lady!

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog today.

1 comment:

sandy said...

Sounds like a wonderful sister in law you have there. Anybody who works to save animals and help people...is a great soul.
