Dear Rob
So today is your Birthday, two minutes tonight before midnight. I've always been glad you were not a June baby. I liked the Emeralds on my wedding ring (your dots) much better than the Pearls of June.
I'm looking at them now and think of all that they represent. Poor thing, I learned to be a mom with you.. Not so lucky you. As Travis said on Easter.. It wasn't easy being Rob. Thanks for making me feel better with.. Well that's how you turned out so good. I also learned how much a mom can love; how love for you absolutely did and does fill my heart. Your smile can still make me laugh and usually does.
You were a marvelous kid; I was pretty sure you felt responsible at times for starvation in the world. I remember your Alex P Keaton days in High School. Your efforts and success at getting on the Highway Patrol.
There hasn't been a day Dad & I haven't been proud of you. Proud to point you out at a party or in a crowd and say, that's our son.
Not a day that I'm not thankful to you.. Backing your Dad in the middle of the night when he confronted loud neighbors (Hey D...HEAD!) .. . You've given us a beautiful and spunky daughter named Carla, A beautiful Grand daughter, Madison, and our ConMan Conner. Those two are two, very lucky kids; They get to call you Daddy.
You're 35 today, as you pointed out.. Halfway to 70. Damn.. That makes me halfway to 112.
You've never forgotten fun, so many of my pictures during family gatherings have you smiling or laughing in the background. I'll Always remember your hug after Uncle Rob's Toast at our Party and be happy. I've tried to upload MORE pictures than the ones I have here but I couldn't get them on. So here are only a very few of the pictures of memories I have today.
Happy Birthday Honey, I love you.