Thursday, April 30, 2009

Buried in Photo editing!

I stood in the fountain to get this one!

Hope everyone is doing well. I've been buried beneath a 1000 photos from Saturday.  Which to use? Which to delete? Which to Photo Shop?  The wedding was beautiful. Haven't downloaded Sabby's birthday Party yet. It's taking me longer to do things this week. Including visiting my blog friends.
Katie is definitely moving to Lake Tahoe. I want her to be happy so I'm working with it.

I posted a quick wedding photo. 
Thanks for taking the time to read my blog today.


Anonymous said...

Whoa! This is a beautiful bride photo - I love what you did w/ the b&w & the color flowers! And I Love Her Dress!!!

Rudee said...

Beautiful pictures.

Brenda said...

That is really good Betty! You sound like you have been really busy.

Jose said...

Busy, busy, busy, like a busy bee. Thanks for the update. I like that bride photo, love the color in the flowers on the black and white image.

Michelle said...

Sure do sound busy! And glad you're coping with Katie leaving. I've been pretty busy too.

sandy said...

Wow, beautiful photo of the bride and the other photo is good too! Nice to read you and I know it will be hard when they move...

Jim Klenke said...

Shes a beautiful bride. I like what you did to the picture.

mig bardsley said...

I brought 3,000 back from India!
Still ploughing through them!
these are lovely wedding pics :)

mig bardsley said...

Oh, I hope the fountain was turned off!