Monday, April 20, 2009

Fun with the Grand Kids

The last few days have been busy and fun with extra grand kids visiting. Sabby turns 7 next week and her birthday party is Sunday. Saturday Carla and I are doing the photography at a wedding. We're really excited about that. So I'm resting up for all the excitement coming.
Meanwhile, I'm posting a few pictures.

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog today.


Julee Marie Photography said...

Gosh they are all getting so big! Have fun at the wedding on Sat, can't wait to hear about it!!

Kathie Moore said...

Absolutely great pictures!

Michelle said...

Sounds busy! Well rest up and have fun! Love the pictures... especially that las one of Izzy... she's a doll.

Jose said...

Can't we just have a normal easy weekend? lol -- Nah, I live for the excitement. Love the pics of the grandkids.

sandy said...

OH wow, adorable photos. You got some great shots.

Sounds like you will be busy with the wedding...

have fun.

Anonymous said...

These are great shots - You really captured a mood in their faces! I know what I mean, but don't know how to explain it very well. They all look so natural, not fake like just posing for the camera - I hope you understand what I'm meaning. LoL!

Jim Klenke said...

Hi, just checking in. Hope you are doing well.

mig bardsley said...

Gorgeous happy children. Lovely joyful pics : )