Friday, May 22, 2009

Take a Picture!!! It'll last longer!!!!

Today was a great day in the world of Sabby, little miss pink could hardly contain herself walking to School this morning. Last day of School, Half Day friday. She nearly skipped across the street toward her last day of school in AZ. (Hardly hunched at all when Gran, unable to contain HERself, yelled across the street.. "I LOVE YOU SABBY SMITH"). 
Remember the expression, "Take a Picture! It'll last longer!!" We'd say that if some one was staring at us. So I did. I Memorialized Miss Sabby Smith's last day of 1st Grade. Her last day of School in AZ. Instead of beginning 2nd grade in 105-110 degrees in early August, she will proceed to the second grade, in September, in the crisp cool air that is Lake Tahoe in September. I'm happy for Sabby today.
Have a great weekend everyone. 
Thanks for taking the time to read my blog today.

Making her way to the cross walk

Crossing the street

Getting Closer


This is my view, Everyday on the way to or from School

"Gran, Now you're being silly"

Hugs for her Pappys

Pappys is reviewing her report card. Sabby is unconcerned.


Michelle said...

Aww today was Diego's last day of schoo too... he was sad. He actually woke up with an upset tummy, threw up, and then still went to school... to say bye to his friends.

Congrats to Sabby! What a wonderful memory... glad you captured it!

Jose said...

Wow Betty, I know it has to be bittersweet for you. Sabby is such a cutie.

Brenda said...

This post did not update on my sidebar. I see from your latest post you are having issues with it. I had that so bad, I had to start a new blog and take the main one off. It was a pain. I do depend on the sidebar working to let me know when someone has posted.
Anyway....I loved this post. Take a picture is so true. I know you will miss her and your daughter when they move. She is such a sweetie I love how you yelled out to her. Her last day there so why not make a memory.
Great post Betty!

sandy said...

Oh, loved the post!!! So cute she is. Duh, just realized her and Hunter are the same age....he will be going on to 2nd grade too.

sandy said...

Oh, loved the post!!! So cute she is. Duh, just realized her and Hunter are the same age....he will be going on to 2nd grade too.

Julee Marie Photography said...

Betty thats too cute. I know you will miss her and your daily routine but she needs to get out of that heat! LOL.. i've had no problems w/my blog site or seeing your posts..