I don't like talking politics on my blog. But I will today.
I was always a republican.. Except for that time in the 70's when I voted for Jerry Brown for President.. I was raised a republican pretty much. My mom was a democrat and voted for John Kennedy while my dad voted for Nixon. I liked Kennedy because he was young, handsome and had a kid about my age. Mom converted and ours became a republican household.
When I met my husband, he was a democrat (labor democrat), but after we were married (by chance) he never voted democrat again. He's since re-registered as a republican.
I've evolved over the years of my life. Mostly I was a moderate Republican. I'm VERY pro life as I believe life is from God and Only God can give and take life. I'm also against the Death Penalty for the same reason. Societies are judged by the way we treat our most vulnerable members. I'm thinking our Society cannot come out very well under that scrutiny.
I became a believer in the Unions, because I saw first hand the way companies take advantage of their employees.
I was a supporter of George Bush, twice. I'm not sure anymore how I feel about that now. I liked him and he became my hero after 9/11 and the way he led this country after the nightmare of of that day. He was no coward, throwing out the first pitch at Yankee stadium a few short weeks later. However, I'm not sure how I feel about him anymore.
I voted for Obama in the last election. And I think McCain was a true American leader when he made his concession speech.
I watch 24/7 news channels a lot. I've started watching with a new eye. FOX is NOT fair and balanced, on the other side MSNBC is too far to the left (in my humble opinion).
CNN--- Why did I believe all that about them being too far to the left? Of the three, they seem the most unbiased. Just saying. Their tribute to "our fallen" today is something else and got me thinking....
I re-registered this year as a Democrat. So I guess now, I'm a moderate Democrat. A little fearful these days but very hopeful.
I'm writing this post today, and spilling my political guts in tribute to all the young men and woman, who've died protecting my Freedom of Speech, since the beginning of our country's story. Such promise they had, and the families who mourned them; what sacrifices they made. It's the least I can do for them.. To exercise the rights they died to preserve.
Thanks for taking the time to read my blog today.
Nice post Betty, enjoyed reading your thoughts on this.
I really enjoyed this post also. I have never really been very big on political discussions, mainly because I am not as knowledgeable as I should be about everything. I have lots of opinions though...ha. But what you just said here about being able to speak freely is true. We do live in a great country and today is a great day to remember that.
Great post Betty!
Hope you guys had a great weekend! I will post tonight I hope!
Everytime I vote for someone they lose so maybe i should stop! LOL
I really enjoyed this post also. I have never really been very big on political discussions, mainly because I am not as knowledgeable as I should be about everything.
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