Friday, May 22, 2009

What's up with this

Has anyone else been having troubles with Blogger? I can't see my updated posts from my other blog!  This is so not o.k.


Rudee said...

Here is how you fix this: write a post and publish it. Magically, all of your posts reappear. I don't know why or where they go, it's a mystery.

Jose said...

Sometimes blogger is performing their scheduled maintenance service but everything comes back. I've never lost them though.

Betty F said...

Thanks Rudee and Jose!

OvaGirl said...

Yeah i am very nonplussed with Blogger. Somehow it has tricked me into creating an entirely new identity which of course i can't access my blog with. I'm really nervous that at some point it's going to deny access to the original identity and then I'll be left with wierd "second me" who can't post or do anything!