So, What do you do when you have a bad case of Vertigo and can only be upright a few hours per day until the room starts to behave as a Rubox Cube and spinning? How do you spend those valuable hours? Well, I Played fun with photos from the Grand Canyon!!!!Turns out the Vertigo is probably from inner ear issues from a cold I had last week and is clearing up.. Doesn't SEEM to be related to M.S. No harm no foul!
Anyway, It was CARLA's Idea!!!
Thanks for taking the time to read my blog today.
I love your comment on anonymous comments. That should do it! Sorry about the vertigo, I do know what that's like. Love the picture.
Glad the vertigo is something that will go away when the issue is resolved... now on to look at your other pics.
Wow, I didn't know vertigo and crativity went hand in hand. lol
Too funny. Hope you get better soon.
Spinning is not fun unless you are a young child. Even that got old pretty fast. I have had similar things like vertigo. They came and went with no reason that any Dr. ever knew of. Hope you are better soon!!!
Sorry I haven't been around much - just too many things on the go!
Oh and I thought I'd said I hope your ear thing goes away quickly - I had the same thing last summer. Not fun!
lol, someones about to get it. Hope your vertigo is gone soon. That doesnt sound like fun.
Yes, I hope it's gone soon for your sake! Take care of yourself & be careful!!! What IS the blue dragonfly looking critter? Does it live in the desert?
Thanks everyone! The vertigo comes and goes but is getting better.
Ms Hayes, I have no idea what that is but Carla took the picture at the Grand Canyon. It's a beautiful blue color and only about 3 inches long in real size.
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