Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Karma.. You HAVE TO LOVE IT/ Love the Buckeye PD

A Couple of things today... GO CARDINALS.. Did you see those catches of Fitzsimmons'.  This weekend will be a crazy one in the Phoenix Valley. Barett Jackson, A Horse show, a Marathon AND the Cardinals will be playing at home for the right to go to the super bowl..  You GO Warner!

I Love Karma.. My bank is in a community in Buckeye known as Verado. The streets are set up like old fashion down towns. You park at an angle toward the building. I probably should drive a smaller car. I drive a commander. I don't have a back up  camera but an alarm system if I'm ready to hit anything.
I came out of the bank and got in my Jeep. Looked back, looked through both side mirrors.. Clear. I slowly backed up. SUDDENLY I hear a horn being slammed down and I stopped. I didn't feel the impact and did minor damage to both vehicles.. As I got out of the car I heard the driver  (little convertible beemer) Slamming his door TWICE. I walked back and asked if I'd hit him... He had one of those phones in his ear.. You know the type?
He started yelling and cursing ... OF COURSE.... YOU HIT ME.... OF COURSE THERE'S DAMAGE.. I told him to stop yelling.. OK? His response at the top of his lungs was to yell it was NOT OK..  I told him as I would tell my grand daughter.."It is not ok to yell at me" My son and husband were close by so while getting my ins information, I called Paul and he and Ricky came over. I asked the jerk if he wanted a police report.. He said THEY'RE ON THEIR WAY ... Oh by the way.. He had NO PROOF OF INSURANCE and NO REGISTRATION IN THE CAR...
The police came as my husband and son showed up..(which is good as Ricky was a little hot headed about some a.... yelling at his mom).  Buckeye has what I think is a great Police Department. 
After all was said and done. I got a citation for unsafe back up.. and the officer told me the other driver was receiving a couple of citations.. LOVE KARMA.. He drove that little beamer out of there MAD.  I can go to traffic school on line.. It's going to cost him money!!!
Yep, My car probably has more damage than his.. NOW the back up alarm is working FULL TIME; I got a ticket.. BUT he got two!!!  Life is good.

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog today


Brenda said...

Yikes! Glad it all turned out okay and that your family could get there so quickly.
My husband is really excited about the Cards and Warner. He used to play for us in St. Louis when they won the Superbowl. He and his wife are still pretty connected to St. Louis, I think.

Jose said...

Well given the fact that you were OK, (that was the important part)the rest of the story is sorta humorous, at least it seems to me you are looking at it from the bright side. The moral of the story is "Jerks get more... tickets that is" normal people get only one. lol

Anonymous said...

Good! He deserved it! hahaha! I'm so glad your hubby & son were there though, because you never know what someone w/ a temper like that is going to do! Some people are just so ignorant!!!

Jim Klenke said...

You gave me a good laugh. Not sure about rooting for the Cardinals though.

Rudee said...

That's why they're called accidents. Mr. Beamer is a weenie. It's good he got fined. Maybe he did because he ran his mouth in such a disrespectful manner. Just be thankful you aren't related to him!

Michelle said...

Glad it wasn't anything too serious... and very funny... glad he got what he deserved.

Julee Marie Photography said...

Im glad you are ok Betty and you didn't get hurt. I hate when people fly by like that and you get in trouble for it.. ugh! Well yeah Cardinals.. i cant really say anything about them.. lol. we shall see.. miss you

mig bardsley said...

I think over here, he would have been done for going too fast to stop. To be honest, in a town street I don't think there's ever any excuse for hitting anything that comes out from the side.
Anyway it's really good that you weren't hurt :)

sandy said...

Oh wow....I bet you felt pretty darn good, after the way he yelled at you, hahaha!! Justice is great.