Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Crazy Days

Gosh it's been a long time since I've visited blogs and even longer since I've blogged. This last weekend, I worked with Carla helping on a wedding in Phoenix; for a wonderful family. Friday night, the Rehearsal and Dinner and downloading together until all hours. Poor Carla finished after I went to bed and instead of hitting Save; Yes... She hit cancel. Then the day and evening of the wedding, followed Sunday with Downloading and editing; We got punchy and had many moments of laughter and I got plain silly. We had a great time though and I look forward to helping her with many more weddings..  I've been editing since then.
This morning I went for my bi-weekly Protime and now it's high, thin blood which is better than too low. I stupidly asked the nurse about this weekend... I'm going to a party at My niece's house in San Diego Saturday, then the Super Bowl on Sunday.... (Alcohol raises the protime level --- thins the blood) After a second's hesitation, she smiled and said...well.... Feeling like an idiot I went on and on to say.. well I NEVER drink.....  On my way home from the doctor's office I picked up this beauty!
Meanwhile, I continue to edit edit edit and edit....
 GO CARDINALS. Kurt and Fitz.... As a funny friend of my niece, named Jennifer,  once said.. TAKE IT TO THEM.
Thanks for taking the time to read my blog today.


Rudee said...

Well I hope the Cards win. As for the medication/PT issues, you're probably going to have a harder time dodging things with Vitamin K. I don't think one drink would hurt you. I'm all about moderation. It's not like you'll get stupid drunk and fall off a bar stool, suffer trauma and then bleed to death. Just in case, wear bubble wrap.

Brenda said...

Glad you and Carla got a kick out of it all. Go Cards!!!!!

Anonymous said...

It sure sounds like you had a grand time. I like your hat too.

Betty F said...

LOL Ok Rudee :) I rarely drink so ONE specially made Margarita would do that for me!

Jose said...

Betty that is one awesome hat, mi chica picked up for me one of those plastic mugs that have a championship shirts stuffed inside. I told her I was not going to wear it.

Jim Klenke said...

Go Steelers.........there has to be one in every crowd.

sandy said...

Wow you have been busy and oh dear, she hit cancel!!

Have fun at the superbowl party and have at least one beer beer can't hurt can it?

OvaGirl said...

Nothing worse than hitting cancel! eek! Hope you had a great weekend and your blood stayed nice and fat.

Carla Marasco said...

I have a picture or two that proves that you do drink! And an even better picture or two of your daughter that knows how to party with the best of them...Should I post them???